Sunday, June 23, 2013

Gwarda: An Ancient City in Turmoil

Location: E5
Terrain: Forest
Population: 17,990

Hidden within the forests of the Elven Kingdom is their capital city, Gwarda.  Larger than any other settlement in Arador, the walls of Gwarda have protected it for thousands of years.  Sitting on a mound toward the north end of the city is Anan Haelle, the fortified residence of the elf king Eamoth.

Power Dynamics
The elven kingdom in general is rather unstable; as the crown has traditionally been quite hesitant to assert authority over their subjects in a significant way, Elves have mostly continued to live in small villages with only local travel and trade.

These villages often fall prey to elven warlords, most of whom are powerful wizards in their own right in addition to the armies that they command.  The more aggressive warlords will use the force at their disposal to coerce villages into joining their alliance.  Those villages that avoid being coerced typically do so by banding together and pledging allegiance to one of the less-ruthless warlords.  Since a warlord's forces are typically serve him because they see his magical abilities as being capable of protecting them or leading them to victory but usually lack such confidence in his apprentices (if he even has any), the death of a warlord typically sends his domain into chaos as the surrounding warlords scramble to conquer it.

The Elven Capital of Gwarda has typically managed to avoid such chaos; The warlords ostensibly swear fealty to the king and are hesitant to conduct their wars in such close proximity to his residence.  As such, the city has long been under the control of the Partricians, the current one being Eudola the Artful.

Beginning at the time that Eudola's predecessor, Alenat, was becoming senile and unable to fulfill his duties, a wizard by the name of Eluinhild began serving the king as an adviser, taking control of the king's forces in an attempt to seize power for himself.  Since then, Eudola and Eluinhild have been engaged in a power struggle

Notable People
Eamoth (Aristocrat L4)
Eluinhild (Wizard L2)
Eudola (Bard L3)